Latex in Note Annotations

i know how to use latex in Notes.
Is it possible to use latex in note annotations? I could not find any hint.

I like to comment stuff right where it is in the pdf, such that when re-reading I see I have a comment for a specific location in the text.
Notes do not give me this (my fault?): I have a set of notes, but was not able to relate them to a certain position in the text. Therefore I use Note annotations.

  • Latex in annotation comments is not supported, sorry.
  • Ok, thanks.
    And is it me or are the notes not 'relatable' to some specific text position?
  • Note annotations can't be directly linked to specific text, you can only position them near the text. For linking to specific text, use highlight or underline annotations.
  • Yes, I know. My question was about the notes (not the annotation stuff), because in notes one can write latex. However notes to an item are just collected and not related to a specific line of text / subsection etc. So this does not help when commenting on specific regions in the text. A workaround is to enumerate the notes and put number annotations to the text...
  • I second this. We need the function to display latex equation in highlight and underline annotations.
  • I second this. I am doing research and read pdf papers all the time. It would be extremely useful to be able to directly annotate the pdf with latex script and show up as nicely displayed math equations.

    A work around I am using right now is to open pdf outside zotero in a paid software called PDF Annotator, which supports equations text box in latex (and a lot of other useful annotation tools).
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