Report ID: 1391068385

I have tried every troubleshooting strategy. Nothing works.

When I copy my text into a new document, I can add a citation, but as soon as I save the document (either in the cloud or on my laptop) I get this message:

"Zotero integration error
Zotero experienced an error updating your document.
Would you like to view troubleshooting instructions?"
  • [JavaScript Error: "This command is not available because no document is open. [getDocument:y:\adomas\zotero\word-for-windows-integration\build\zoterowinwordintegration\document.cpp]"]
    This would happen if you're saving the file in OneDrive and have spaces in the filename.

    Make sure you're saving a local file. (Note that if you've set your desktop folder to be stored in OneDrive, saving the file to your desktop means saving the file to OneDrive.)
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