[bug] Notes : zotero crashes while editing lines containing equations

edited December 30, 2024
Windows 11
Zotero 7.0.11
(No report available after restart)

Edit : as I've encountered the bug a large number of times, I update my post :

Steps to reproduce :
1. Create a note with several equations (seems to be related to the amount of equations in the same note) (*)
2. "Process" an inline equation (edit the equation, between the 2 "$", then escape the equation)
3. Type any character on the same line : nothing is printed
4. Zotero freezes a few seconds then crashes.

(*) I can reproduce this bug systematically with any equation in my note, but the crash doesn't happen if I copy/paste the equation in another (smaller) note.

Workarounds are :
* wait a few seconds after escaping the equation (cursor blinks about 4 times, then freezes, and a few seconds later you can type again)
* type in another line, then delete the line break to go back to same line.
  • Update: over time my note becomes unusable, because zotero crashes as soon as I extend a line after "validating" an inline equation.

    I doubt I'm the only one to encounter this bug, am I ?
  • Can you reproduce this in Troubleshooting Mode (Help → "Restart in Troubleshooting Mode…”), which temporarily disables all plugins?

    If so, can you export the note to Zotero RDF and email it to support@zotero.org with a link to this thread? You should also see if you can provide a crash report from the Windows Event Viewer.
  • Also, are you by any chance using Chinese characters in any of the math nodes?
  • Thank you @dstillman for your answer.

    I wrote to the support mail, as bug persists in troubleshooting mode.
    Windows Event Viewer talks about textinputframework.dll

    I don't use Chinese characters, only greek.
  • I can't reproduce the issue, but we already have a fix for a very similar problem involving Chinese characters. Hopefully, this fix will resolve your issue as well. It should be included in one of the upcoming Zotero updates.
  • I encountered a similar problem. After entering a math formula, such as $d$, I am unable to type Chinese characters. Nothing appears after $d$, as if the input is blocked. However, if I type English characters after $d$, they are entered and displayed normally without any issues. Looks like a problem with the markdown renderer. This bug seems to have existed for many years but has never been fixed.
    7.0.11 (win 64-bit )
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