Annotations on mobile devices (iPad)

Hello Zotero community,
I wish you all blessed Christmas Days.

I read a lot in Zotero on my iPad. And I mark lots of sentences as annotations. The annotation overview is great, but it seems I cannot do a lot with it.

After reading and annotating, I want to transfer the annotations to a separate app, like Notion or Apple Notes.
With my perspective, I need to manually select each annotations and then copy and paste it. Is there any way to select all annotations and copy them in a single step on my iPad?
Or can I export them and the re-import them?

Thank you for your support, Daniel
  • there is a feature of adding note from all your annotations after you have done so. then it creates a notes file attached to the pdf. if you have a word processor like word you can then insert this note similar to how you insert bibliography. additionally, it keeps the referencing aspects. from word you could take them to apple notes I suppose.
  • for notion, there is this third party plugin called notero (there's also posts on it in this forum), you may wanna dig deeper into it:
  • edited December 27, 2024
    there is a feature of adding note from all your annotations after you have done so
    To be clear, this is a feature of the desktop app, as is inserting notes containing annotations into Word documents with active Zotero citations. Notero is also a plugin for the desktop app.

    So @Slamdunker23, for now, you'd generally want to use the iPad app in combination with the desktop app. A future version of the iOS app will offer similar features to work directly with created annotations.
  • When could we expect these features on the iPad?
  • Thank you for your comment. So I await this feature.
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