Problems with Zotero 7

Overall, Zotero 7 is great and working ok - but a few problems.
I am working on a Chromebook, using Zotero with Google Docs, and the Linux install of Zotero desktop app. I would file bug report but:

1. In the desktop app, under "Help" in the menu, most choices, when clicked open a blank dialogue box. ("About" or "Report Errors" "Check for Updates" etc.) -- so I could not do an actual bug report, and I can't get the version #.

2. The report I would make is that I am getting "Message port closed before response received" errors when I paste a citation. (I may have also gotten it when opening a new reference, but I don't recall.)

Usually I can just delete it and repaste with no problem, so it is not leaving me high and dry.

  • How did you install the app?
  • Automatic update from the previous version.
  • Right, but how did you install the app originally?
  • It was quite a while ago, but these are the notes I kept to do the install. I may have done something different. To be clear, these problems began after upgrade to 7.x:

    Get Latest working version. FROM

    5 Steps
    sudo apt update

    sudo apt install curl -y

    curl -sL | sudo bash

    sudo apt update

    sudo apt install zotero -y
  • You should uninstall Zotero and reinstall it, either via zotero-deb or, if that doesn't work, the tarball from our site. If you can't open core dialog boxes, there's a more general problem with your installation that you'll need to fix.
  • I did a reinstall of Zotero, using the 3 steps listed on the Zotero site to install with the Linux terminal on my Chromebook. After that, I did get the "port closed" error once, but generally it does not happen.

    What I did see again was the problem of blank dialogue boxes in the "Help" in the menu, most choices. ("About" or "Report Errors" "Check for Updates" etc.)
    I discovered that the dialogue boxes are just opening small, and I can drag the boundaries open until the entirety of the content is available.
    Problem basically solved, though the partially minimized dialogue boxes still are a bit of a bug. Thank you for your help.
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