Can't add bibliography in word

Hi, I am trying to create a zotero bibliography in a word doc. I have done this many times - including earlier drafts of this paper - with no problem, but for this doc when I click on "add bibliography" it is not adding a bibliography. Instead I get a box I have never seen before with a list of the papers in my citations on the right, a list of a lot of other papers on the left, and a message on the bottom saying "Warning: If you update citations in the editor it will no longer update to reflect changes in your database..." I click OK but still no bibiliography.

I've updated zotero, closed and reopened it, same result. Frustrated and would appreciate help (and of course I'm up against a deadline). Thank you!
  • edited December 28, 2024
    That's the Edit Bibliography window. That just means you already have a bibliography in your document. (The button is "Add/Edit Bibliography", not "Add Bibliography".)

    If you don't see the bibliography, you can toggle Word field codes and search for ZOTERO_BIBL. If it's missing or in the wrong place, you can just delete it completely and then reinsert it in the correct place.
  • Thank you SO MUCH! That is indeed the problem. Really appreciate your help.
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