Feature request to allow in built pdf reader to save annotation in pdf as well?

It is good that Zotero can locally save the pdf annotation but it will be nicer to have the annotation permanently saved in the pdf so that the pdf can be read from other external pdf reader
  • You can export a copy of the PDF with annotations embedded by using File → “Export PDF…” from the library view or “Save As…” from the PDF reader.
  • @excited: You can also find more explanations for why Zotero does not directly save the annotations in the PDF files in this page:
    To enable this tight integration, Zotero stores annotations in the Zotero database, not in the PDF file. This allows for fast, conflict-free syncing, including in groups, and enables advanced functionality that wouldn't be possible otherwise.
  • @mjthorval I understand that the current design is intentional for database organisation, efficiency and easy of access in Zotero. But, if it would be possible for Zotero to add a button or an option to force save the annotation in the pdf as well, it will help people like me who open pdf outside Zotero but can't see the annotations made while using Zotero.
  • This isn't going to change, for the reasons explained on the linked page. As we say, you can export PDFs with annotations if you want to, or you can set Zotero to use an external PDF reader.
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