Zotero Android crash on opening / scrolling PDF

edited 7 days ago
Report ID: 1473485726

Seeing frequent crashes in the Android app after adding many annotations and then opening / scrolling the pdf.

Sadly no steps to 100 % reliably reproduce. But when encountering the crash it happened *after* doing some annotations.

Crash has happened again - Report ID: 276272814

The PDF annotations behave unexpected. I used various Text Annotations. When opening the PDF and long-tapping the text annotation instead of opening edit mode, it vanishes. It does re-appear after closing and re-opening the PDF. But apparently it can not be deleted due to the option never showing.

Android 15, LineageOS 22-20241201-Unofficial-nabu
Zotero-Android: 1.0.0-124
  • Report ID 1493154442
    Similar bug here. Scrolling in landscape mode through (an annotated) PDF first was difficult, then not possible. Leaving the app was not possible. I locked the screen and came back to the crash report.
  • @shervintak, your crash is probably fixed in 1.0.0-125.

    @augustaugust, let us know if you're still seeing yours.
  • edited 6 days ago
    Thanks so much for looking into the crashes and providing a patch: https://github.com/zotero/zotero-android/commit/b45d6e7a5a2fb9b5759c72f128955cb017cf5f3a

    In a test 1.0.0-125 still crashes for me. During testing, the app closed and I had to re-open it. Twice I did not receive a Report ID. The third time Report ID 463578896 showed up. Hope it is helpful in getting to the bottom of the issue. Let me know if you need additional debug data.

    Looking at the debug output I am not seeing any obvious errors: Debug ID D1992785333

    Editing the annotations is behaving in unexpected ways. Single tapping an annotation hides that annotation from view. Deleting or editing it is not possible.

    The PDF seemingly is in some corrupted state. I am fine to just delete it, but maybe it is useful to debug the crash + annotation issues.
  • edited 6 days ago
    (That commit isn't relevant for your issue.)

    Can you provide the 8-character string from the zotero.org URL when you click on the attachment in question in your web library?
  • Also, is this reproducible for a specific annotation? What exactly do you mean by "Single tapping an annotation hides that annotation from view."? If you're able to share a screen recording (either linked here or in an email to support@zotero.org with a link to this thread), that might be helpful.
  • Here's the requested string: 45M7YTM3

    On page 4 there are three text annotations with large text in red. When tapping (short or long) one of those annotations instead of opening the annotation details, the annotation vanishes.

    Screencast sent via email.
  • @augustaugust: OK, please try the latest build.
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