Importing RIS or BibTex files into Zotero Web

Hi Guys,

I'm looking for ways to export references from the Google Scholar MyLibrary feature into Zotero Web (not the desktop app).

First is this possible? My Zotero/Chrome plugin doesn't want to play ball with Scholar, yet does with other databases.

Secondly, is there any way of importing either BibTex or RIS files into Zotero web.

I need to know this as I'm trying to help students with Chromebooks (money is tight these days!), to make use of free (mium) reference management tools.

Many thanks

  • So in order:
    1. Yes, importing from google scholar -- both search results and MyLibrary -- should work and does for me. You'd have to say more about what isn't working.
    2. No, you can't import metadata formats in the web library. Generally planned, but no idea when it's going to happen.
    3. Generally, as you probably know, the web library is a very poor substitute for actual Zotero -- not just is import a good bit worse, it also doesn't offer any word processor integration. Wherever possible (i.e., for anyone using an intel-architecture Chromebook), you should encourage and support people to install Zotero via Crostini.
  • Hi,
    I'm setting up a structure for an organisation that won't allow the Zotero App, but only the web library. How exactly does it work to import directly into the web library? From Google Scholar My Library would be interesting, but also RIS or similar file (need to do this to transfer some Citavi entries).

  • PS: and that's WITHOUT having access to the browser plug-in I mean, btw... Is that even possible?
  • Without the browser add-on or the Zotero app, your only options (that don't involve significant scripting) are to import items via add by identifier (ideally via DOI).
    Generally speaking I'd say that Zotero is just not suitable for use in an organization that doesn't even allow the browser add-on. The web library is fine, but if that's all you can use, I'd assume there are better options out there.
  • >> The web library is fine, but if that's all you can use, I'd assume there are better options out there.

    I had a good look around and Mendeley comes closest but loses where you can have max 25persons in one group / shared library.

    I'm going ahead with Zotero - not just my favourite, but objectively the best choice for the organisation (large international NGO) as it seems, despite lack of import function in the Web Library. Pleeeeeease consider adding this, just RIS import for the time being, it would be hugely appreciated.

    Is there a feature suggest mechanism outside the forum?
  • Importing from RIS and other formats is generally planned for web library but we don't have a date yet.
  • edited December 20, 2024
    We've released an update, and it's now possible to import references from RIS and other Zotero-compatible files into the web library:
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