Zotero 7 renaming replacing terminal periods in subfolders with underscores

edited December 19, 2024
I have a vexing issue with the new Zotero (which I should state first is a huge improvement overall, I love the new software).

Journal abbreviations often end in a period, for instance Organic Letters becomes "Org. Lett."

My renaming scheme uses the journal abbreviation as a subfolder, and with Zotfile on version 6, the terminal period was just removed, not replaced. Now, however, upon renaming and moving attached PDFs it replaces this terminal period with an underscore, thus creating an entirely new subfolder for things that have been renamed since the Zotero 7 update. Older files go to "/Library/Org. Lett/Year/Paper.pdf" while new ones go to "/Library/Org. Lett_/Year/Paper.pdf"

Can anyone help me to understand why this is happening and how to fix it?

Thanks in advance
  • Forgot to mention that I use ZotMoov and the folder naming scheme is as follows:


  • you'd have to ask on the ZotMoov Github; that part of renaming is done by the plugin, not Zotero
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