Assistance Needed for Zotero Bimonthly Journal Citation Formatting

Hi, I am having some difficulties correctly entering the information for a journal published in a bimonthly issue, specifically for June-July 1907. Has anyone else encountered a similar situation and can offer assistance? Thank you all in advance!
  • in most cases just adding "June/July" in the issue field is the easiest option.
  • Unfortunately, when I add 'June/July 1907', Zotero only selects July 1907!
  • That wasn't what I suggested. June/July is the name of the issue. Add it in the "Issue" field, not as a date.
  • Unfortunately, this is still not a precise solution. According to the Chicago Manual of Style, the date should be indicated in brackets. Adding it to the 'issue' field does not resolve my problem.
  • In that case, enter the date in Extra like this
    issued: 1907-06-00/1907-07-00
  • @bwiernik, thank you so much! Now, it finally works!
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