since Zotero Update: Letter Suffixes for Citations + et. al. rule not automatically
Since I updatet Zotero to the newest version, the letter Suffixes are not automated anymore. This will destroy me in the final steps of my work...
Do you know how to fix it? I am sure, that I am just missing a tickbox or some other easy installation hack.
Besides the Letter Suffixes Rule, the et. al. is also not working anymore. All citations in Word are being cited full, all names.
I am so looking forward to any help from you.
Since I updatet Zotero to the newest version, the letter Suffixes are not automated anymore. This will destroy me in the final steps of my work...
Do you know how to fix it? I am sure, that I am just missing a tickbox or some other easy installation hack.
Besides the Letter Suffixes Rule, the et. al. is also not working anymore. All citations in Word are being cited full, all names.
I am so looking forward to any help from you.
Is that still set under document preferences?
Switch style to something different. Does that update your citations to the new style? (I.e. they are live active citations?)
I use the citation style provided by my university.
As I see it, that one is not set under the document preferences.
Might that be the problem?
How do I set this up? There is no 'save' or 'OK' button in my settings.
So I cannot set up a different one to check.
Thanks for your help!
Even tough I have set the citation style, it won't update neither the letter suffixes nor the et al. (and others)-Rule.
Are the citations still active?
They are highlighted from before the update. If I am changing a previous citation e.g.
Klaus et al. (2006) it will change it to Klaus, Lamers & Janz (2006). Even tough it should leave the et al. because I have used the citation previously in the text.
Same with Citations with the letter suffixes. From before they are fine, and if I am going to change them, they are not ordered by letters.
it works!
et. al. ist activated and the letter suffixes as well.
This must have been the issue... the document preferences were different after the update.