Citations in word are appearing in bold after Zotero 7 update

Since I updated on the new Zotero (Zotero 7) version all my citations in word are appearing in bold. I use citation style Chicago Manual (full note) which I used before when I did not have that problem and the citations appeared in normal text.

What I tried and did not work:
-> check my font settings in word (paragraph style is not set on bold)
-> switch document preferences to another style and switch back (citations are still in bold)

Do you have any idea how to solve the issue?

Thanks a lot!

  • Switch to something like APA and then back to CMoS.
  • Thank you, I already switched the document preferences to APA and back to CMoS and the citations are still bold. Any other idea?
  • Do you see this in a new document with CMoS?
  • Yes, I also tried closing Zotero and Word and I have also restarted my mac.
  • But have you tried a completely fresh document, insert 1 citation and add a bibliography?
    This info helps with troubleshooting your problem for you.
  • Yes, I have just created a new plain word-document for the testing.
  • If you edit the Footnote style in Word is the setting to set the font to Bold toggled? Does this happen with other note citation styles?
  • Yes, I have double-checked the settings and bold is not toggled.

    With APA it's not bold, problem happens only with CMoS.
  • APA is not a footnote style. Try something like Modern Humanities Research Association style.
  • Unfortunately the error still occurs. Also Modern Humanities Research Association style appears bold. Any ideas how to solve the issue ? Thank you :)
  • If you insert a footnote into a document yourself and type some text there does it appear bold?
  • No, it doesn’t.
  • Could you create a Debug ID for an insertion of a footnote citation?

    If you copy some text somewhere (like here in the Zotero forum) and paste it into a Word footnote does it appear bold? What word text style (name of style) is set for the bold Zotero inserted citation?
  • Debug-ID: D523291690

    I copied text from the forum and inserted it as a footnote, apparently the text was not bold in the footnote. The text style is Times New Roman.
  • edited November 11, 2024
    The text style is Times New Roman.
    That is the font. The text style is listed in Word Home -> Style Pane under Current Style. Do you use any macOS application that interacts with your clipboard (like keeps history or modifies its contents)?
  • Thanks for your suggestions,

    I checked the current style in the style pane, it says "standard". I also switched to bold and then back to standard but Zotero is still showing the citations in bold.

    I do not use any applications that interact with the clipboard.
  • If you temporarily switch Word to English (you might need to change the OS setting and restart Word or your Mac), do the footnotes look correctly?
  • Thank you so much that worked! I changed the language settings for word in the Mac system settings to English and then switched back to German. Now the footnotes are normal again.
  • Been having similar issues (MacOS 15.1.1, Word 16.92, APA 7th ed), with citations being inserted with a dashed underline _ _ _ _. Recently they were inserting as bold, now back to the dashed underline.

    Tried adding a citation to new file, no problem. Yesterday copied my entire manuscript into a new file and the issue remains (shrug).

    Just changed Word's language settings and the OS language as suggested. Will restart my mac soon, and report back if I still have issues.
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