Bibliography in chronological order

Hello, good morning,
Is there any command that organizes the bibliography in chronological order (for each author, from the oldest to the most recent)?
Thank you.
  • Most author date citation styles (e.g. Chicago author - date) would do this. Can you say a bit more about what you are trying to do if that isn't sufficient?
  • Thanks for your reply.
    I am using a style adapted to the Portuguese legal system. Ideally, the index should be arranged by the author's name and the publication date.
  • edited 5 days ago
    Without seeing the style it's a bit hard to give concrete help, but you'd want to have a sorting section in your bibliography like so:
    <key macro="author"/>
    <key macro="year" sort="ascending"/>

    Here it uses the macros, but you can just use variable="author" also.

    See for how to edit a style and the CSL documentation on sorting:
  • Thank you again.
    I will try this solution and confirm later!
    Best regards.
  • Problem with Partitioning Bibliography in Zotero (Chicago Style)


    I’m using Zotero with the Chicago Manual of Style, but the bibliography is being listed only in chronological order. I want to partition it by document type (e.g., books, reports, published and unpublished theses) into separate sections. I tried doing this manually by cutting and pasting, but when I refresh the document, all my changes are lost, and it reverts to chronological order.

    Is there a way to automatically organize the bibliography by document type without losing my custom sections when refreshing?

    Thanks for your help!
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