Linking after journal editor comments

edited December 9, 2024
All of my citations became unlinked after the journal editor reviewed the paper and made suggestions. This seems like an issue that should have been predicted by the developers. Is there an easier way to relink the citations rather going through one by one?
Also Zotero did not add the doi's to the citations for Vancouver format, so I had to do so manually in the bibliography, now when I try to relink the citation is messes up the format. Any suggestions?
  • There are plenty of Vancouver-like style (including, e.g. AMA) that include DOIs. (Citing Medicine, on which Vancouver is based, doesn't call for DOIs) shouldn't be hard to find one that works for you -- which journal?

    Most journals actually ask explicitly for unlinked citations, and few editors return copies of Word files, so no, this doesn't come up often: if you work on feedback from a colleage or a professional editor, you can just ask them to make sure to work in and save as .docx files and citations remain linked (they don't need Zotero).
    There is no easy way to mass-relink citations, no, butyou can, of course, always integrate suggested edits in your submitted file rather than the other way around.
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