Romanian APA citation zotero -HELP!

Idk what happened, but Zotero suddenly started translating "et al" for a bunch of citation styles - it shouldn't.
Eg.: (Ferfolja și colab., 2024), where "și colab" has always been "et al" until this week.
... Help? I'm DEAD without zotero.
  • First of all, don't stress. This will be very easy to fix.
    What citation style and what language do you have set for your document in the Zotero Document Preferences?
  • I use APA 7th edition in Romanian
  • I am not sure why you would've seen "et al." before as "si colab." is just what the style does.
    But you can override that very easily by doing this.
    You can just copy this from one of the other overrides in the style and switch the locale to "ro" as shown:
  • This fix worked, but there is a problem with this style. On my iPad I get the same thing. Hope it gets properly fixed. Thanks.
  • I mean -- it's not a problem, it's on purpose. The Romanian translations were updated in April, translating a bunch of untranslated terms, including et al, into Romanian.
    If there is such a thing as a semi-official Romanian version of the APA style that you can link to and that uses et al, we can make that change in APA, but there's not a priori reason to assume et al is somehow more correct.
  • I am, indeed, not an academic, but a student. I don't know anyone to have wrote an official guide. I can only infer that everything I've read in Romanian uses latin for popular phrases such as "et al." and "apud". Nobody teaches us otherwise, didn't read anything different. I guess maybe an additional style that uses this could be useful for us?
    I understand what you are saying and I can't prove otherwise.
  • Universities like University of Bucharest, Babeș-Bolyai University, "I.L. Caragiale" National University of Theatre and Film use latin phrases for citations for both APA and Chicago styles. Romanian literature uses latin phrases. In English latin phrases are not translated. Idk what else to say. :)))))
  • A couple of Romanian language psychology articles I found use “et al”, so I’ll update the APA styles
  • Thank you for all the effort. I love Zotero so much, such a great app.
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