"The attached file could not be found at the following path:"

edited December 6, 2024
I followed the steps 1 to 8 in https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/files_not_syncing
The file in the folder CE2URWTG is in the server and in device A. Device B synced without error but it does not get the file of the mentioned folder. Both A and B are Windows 11 computers.

Debug id: D260821462
Any hint to work it out is welcome.
Screenshot of the error:
  • You likely just need to add another file — from another computer or the web library, or possibly this computer — to convince it to re-download remote files.

    (Resetting file sync history in theory should be sufficient, but it's not currently overriding an optimization that skips unnecessary file downloads. Resetting file sync history also shouldn't be necessary, and we're not totally sure how people end up in this situation to begin with, but we're looking into it.)
  • edited December 7, 2024
    If none of these suggestions "to add another file — from another computer or the web library, or possibly this computer" work,

    Question: Could a last resort solution be deleting the local copy of the Zotero library in device B and resyncing the whole library again in a new folder in device B?

  • edited December 8, 2024
    You should just try what I say — you're not the first to report this, and what I suggest should work. There's no need to resync everything.
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