Drop-down menu interference - MacBook Pro

Does anyone else have an issue where when you go to the top of the app on a Mac to switch between tabs, the drop-down menu is triggered and gets in the way? This is a minor inconvenience, but it becomes rather annoying at times. Other apps do not have this issue because they have space above to buffer against triggering the drop-down menu. I was trying to figure out how to pin the menu, but I guess this is impossible on a MacBook. If anyone knows a workaround, I would appreciate it. Thanks.
  • edited December 5, 2024
    I'm not really sure what you mean here. You're talking about the main Mac menu bar, with "File", "Edit", "View", etc.?

    If so, I'm not sure what to tell you. The tabs are a pretty large click target — much larger than, say, a link on a webpage. And various apps (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Thunderbird) have tabs at the top like Zotero. Some are a little taller and/or have a few more pixels above, but others are shorter and don't have padding above. All standard macOS windows, including Zotero's, also have an invisible border of a few pixels around all edges where the cursor changes into a resizing cursor to let you resize the window, which also acts as a buffer. You can also just not keep the window at the very top of your screen (though if you're clicking outside of the window, you might temporarily focus whatever is behind the window).

    We could consider making the tabs a little taller, but that would mainly be to make them slightly quicker to hit — I don't think we've had other reports of people missing them altogether.
  • I guess this is a Mac menu for each app; yes, that is what I am referring to. A drop-down menu in Zotero shows the Apple, Zotero, and, like you said, File, etc. Moving between apps on a Mac is inconvenient if you do not have the full size of the app. When it is full size, you can use three fingers to move between apps, which is needed when working with Zotero. Likewise, moving PDFs into Zotero from the desktop requires Zotero to be maximized to full screen. In Chrome, for instance, the tabs do not go to the top of the screen, so you take the pointer above the tab to trigger the drop-down menu. It is a small margin but enough to prevent accidental triggering. Also, the drop-down does not cover the tabs like in Zotero; the whole app shifts down. For Zotero, stopping at the bottom half of the tab is necessary to prevent the drop-down menu from appearing and blocking the tabs. I am not missing the tab; it goes to the top of the screen. I then have to wait for it to disappear before trying again because it covers the tabs when it drops. Maybe other people adapt better than I do. I suppose I try to work too fast.
  • edited December 5, 2024
    OK, so you're talking about full-screen mode.

    First, note that you can switch between apps instantaneously with Cmd-Tab, like Alt-Tab on Windows (but more powerful). I promise you you don't need to use full-screen mode to work efficiently on a Mac. This is critical enough to effective computer usage that we have a support article about it, even though it has nothing to do with Zotero specifically:


    As for full-screen mode, what you're describing isn't actually how it works. The Mac menu bar (with File/Edit/View) is at the top of the screen and never moves, ever. In full-screen mode, it just disappears. Different apps behave differently in full-screen mode when you move the cursor above the window to the top of the screen. Chrome and Safari just make the menu bar visible and unhide the red/yellow/green window controls in the top-left corner of the window. Zotero (and Firefox, on which it's based) slides down a title bar containing the window controls, and that does cover the top of the window with the tab bar. I agree that's not as nice, and it's possible we'll be able to do what Chrome and Safari do in a future version, but even Apple Photos does what we do, so it's not unprecedented. In any case, nothing appears unless you actually move your cursor above the top of the window. You certainly don't have to stop at the bottom half of the tab — if the title bar is sliding down, you're going above the top of the tabs.
  • "nothing appears unless you actually move your cursor above the top of the window. You certainly don't have to stop at the bottom half of the tab — if the title bar is sliding down, you're going above the top of the tabs." This is not true. The tabs go to the top of the screen on my MacBook Pro; I cannot go above them. I tried to include a video, but it wouldn't load. I will practice only using the bottom of the tabs, which will hopefully help. Thank you for taking the time to respond. I appreciate the software immensely. It is a valuable asset to my doctoral studies. I tried many different systems and found this one to be the best. Thank you.
  • edited December 5, 2024
    Oh, I guess if you have a Mac without a notch, the menu bar and the title bar both slide down from the top, and your cursor would end up on top of the menu bar. But you still should have to move the cursor to the top of the screen to trigger that — if you think you're seeing something else, we'd want to see a link to a video. The only real difference from Chrome is that Chrome's tabs are taller. The space that looks like it's above the Chrome tabs is still a clickable part of the tabs.

    In any case, I'd recommend just using Cmd-Tab to switch between apps and avoiding full-screen mode most of the time. People coming from Windows sometimes use full-screen mode because it's sort of like maximizing windows on Windows, but it's just not really the traditional Mac way to work, and once you're used to Cmd-Tab, multitasking that way is much faster.
  • If the app isn't in full-screen mode, it stays on the home screen, interfering with the desktop. I use the desktop frequently and move files between the desktop and other apps, which would be more inconvenient. Here is the iCloud link for the video. I hope this helps to clarify. I appreciate the tip on using the CMD tab to move between apps.

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