Moving entries to other collection not working

I am on Zotero 7.0.10 on MacOS 15.1.1. Trying to move an entry from one to collection to another does not work. Cannot move anything anywhere. (Right-click move to trash and remove from collection still work.)
  • When you say you can't move, is the problem that it doesn't appear in the new collection or that it doesn't disappear in the old one? (note that drag& drop would only do the former)

    If really nothing happens, can you restart Zotero in troubleshooting mode (Help menu) and provide a debug ID for a failed drag & drop between collections in the same library?
  • When I wrote "move" I meant the drag-and-drop mouse operation. I can start to drag but it does not let me drop the entry anywhere. After releasing the mouse button the highlighted item flies back.

    Will try the troubleshooting mode restart next.
  • Actually, the troubleshooting mode lets me execute the operation (moves while pressing the Mac command key).

    Let me see if it still works once I switch back.
  • No, still doesn't work in normal mode.
  • If Troubleshooting Mode fixes it, you'll need to identify the plugin that's causing it and then report the problem to the plugin's developer.
  • @dstillman: Thanks so much!

    I could identify the plugin 'Easier Citation' by Polygon as the culprit. (At least that is my thinking since after disabling this plugin the intended action was possible.)
  • edited December 3, 2024
    You always need re-enable with no other plugins enabled to confirm. You should confirm that and then report the problem to the developer.
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