Chicago 'author-date' style showing title instead of author

I am new to Zotero, so this may be an easy fix. I am using the Zotero extension for Google Docs, and have my document preferences set to 'Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition (author-date).'
When I click 'add citation' for any of my sources with multiple authors, or sources that are a book section created from a book, Zotero adds a citation that shows the title of the source in place of where the authors should be.
(“Ratcliffe Sacred Rock and the Seven Sacred Stones, Iowa” 2010) rather than
(Diaz-Granados et al. 2010)
("Departures and Arrivals" 2014) rather than (Krmpotich 2014)

Note: The tool is working fine for sources that have one author and sources that are not sections created from a book. I have checked the fields to ensure that the authors are listed for the source; this has not solved my issue. Any help would really be appreciated!!
  • What happens if you use "Create Bibliography" for those items from within Zotero and then select "Citation" as a format (and copy them to the clipboard). Do they look right?

    There's certainly nothing in the style that should cause this and we haven't heard from anyone else with this issue, so the most likely issue would seem to be that something is wrong with the metadata after all, though perhaps only the one used in your document (since you say you checked it in ZOtero)
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