Ghost search results in the PDF Reader
The search results in the PDF Reader still appear after deleting the text in the search box.
Steps to reproduce:
1) Search for a word in the PDF Reader
2) Press Enter to get all the search results (or wait to get the result)
3) Delete the text in the search box (Ctrl+A -> Delete)
-> The search results still appear.
This leads to surprising behaviour:
4) Close the search box
-> The search results disappear
5) Open the search box again
6) Press Enter (also works after adding one letter in the search box)
-> The previous search results reappear.
Zotero 7.0.10-beta.2+dc47650eb (64-bit)
Windows 10
Steps to reproduce:
1) Search for a word in the PDF Reader
2) Press Enter to get all the search results (or wait to get the result)
3) Delete the text in the search box (Ctrl+A -> Delete)
-> The search results still appear.
This leads to surprising behaviour:
4) Close the search box
-> The search results disappear
5) Open the search box again
6) Press Enter (also works after adding one letter in the search box)
-> The previous search results reappear.
Zotero 7.0.10-beta.2+dc47650eb (64-bit)
Windows 10
martynas_bWe'll fix it—thanks.