Announcing ZotMoov 1.2.1 Beta

This is probably the biggest feature update to ZotMoov since its release, so I would appreciate getting some feedback and more users to catch bugs before I push the update to everyone.

It adds some highly requested features, like custom wildcards, custom menu items, keyboard shortcuts, and bug fixes.

Any bug reports and feature requests like always can be posted to the Github.

  • edited November 18, 2024
    This is a great and interesting change. Could there be a shortcut to attach new files, I couldn't see it in parameters ? Was it too challenging ?
    Best regards
  • @ynedelec3 try the latest beta version

    There is a shortcut to attach new files, but it was confusingly named, so I updated it.
  • thanks @wileyyu I can access the attach functionality now.

    I suggested an improvement in github through a possibility to confirm the attachment and renaming. In addition Zotfile allowed to add some text to filename. I could easily add confirmation to the code in a personal and temporary version however adding something to filename is less easy. Maybe this will meet similar requirements fropm other users (I'm totally fine with 1.2.5 version anyway -).
  • Hi
    In fact I identified the shortcut but didn't test it until today, it appears that it doesn't operate.
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