Style Error: Bio-protocol

Hi all,

I'm working on a bio-protocol paper, and using Zotero in Word for that (they request the manuscript in word).
Unfortunately, the Bio-protocol referencing style in the repository ( does not match the style they describe.

The zotero style formats in-text citations as (Hisakata et al., 2016; Hogue, 2001; Musk, 2006; Sambrook and Russell, 2001), while Bio-protocol requests reference numbers between square brackets.

This is the instruction that can be found in their manuscript template:
Please format all in-text citations as reference numbers (e.g., “The protocol described here was based on previous works [1]”). All manuscripts must use the Bio-protocol referencing style, which can be found via EndNote or CSL reference manager tools such as Zotero. You can also use the direct link from GitHub.
When citing multiple sources at once, the numbers should be separated by a comma or a dash, for example, [1, 3, 5] or [1–3]. These numbers should correspond to the order of the full citations as shown in the References section. Note that the numbers should be sequential throughout the text.

The screenshot is from a published bio-protocol:
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