how to remove "[online]" in citations in bibliography

Hello, could someone please help me how to remove the "[online]" part in the cited sources ? It shows up for electronic articles where I don't need it to say that they are available online, when I already have other requisites for this in the citation. Alternatively, is there any way to set this up directly when I save articles using the plugin? Thank you.
  • Within Zotero, go to settings, Cite, and remove the tick for "Include URLs for papers".
  • Unfortunately,the box hasn't been ticked since the beginning of my work. And even, when i ticked it and unticked again, there is still the "[online]" thingy. Do you have any other ideas?
  • Sure.
    Which citation style are you using?
  • I am using ISO 690 (author -date). (And czech language, if it helps with anything).
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