Citation style: Sorbonne University, musicology

edited October 23, 2024
I'm doing a PhD, and I really want to start using Zotero (starting my 2nd year). But for now it's a mess.
My director wants this format :
NAME Firstname, title (italic), City, Edition, Date, number of edition (if there is one).
I tried using the Sorbonne norms (I'm studying there), but it puts the first name in the first position, and doesn't write the last name in capital letters. And then when I edit the bibliography on word, it does the opposite...
It's such a mess, I don't know HOW to do to have ONE correct format...

A thousand thanks for your help,
  • edited October 23, 2024
    Where do you study? Which uni, which institute/faculty, field of study...
    Is there guidelines that are documented somewhere?
    If it's just that one change, that's easy, but let's clear my questions up first.
  • I study at Sorbonne University, musicology.
    There is no guideline, I think each director has his preferences. And example of how mine wants :

    LAUX Karl, Der Einsame. Johannes Brahms. Leben Und Werk. (italic), city (here there is no)., Anton Pustet, 1944.

  • edited October 23, 2024
    1. Can you please rename this thread? "Citation style: Sorbonne University, musicology" or something

    2. Are you using the style "Sorbonne Student Law Review - Revue juridique des étudiants de la Sorbonne"? We have 2 styles on the repo.

    In that style, change the author macro to this:
    <macro name="author">
    <if type="legal_case" match="any">
    <text variable="authority"/>
    <else-if match="any" variable="author">
    <names variable="author">
    <name initialize="false" name-as-sort-order="all"/>
    <else-if match="any" variable="editor collection-editor">
    <if type="chapter paper-conference" match="none">
    <names variable="editor collection-editor">
    <label form="short" prefix=" (" suffix=")"/>
    <if match="none" type="entry-encyclopedia entry-dictionary bill legislation chapter paper-conference report">
    <text term="anonymous"/>

    Follow this guide to the T:

  • The name of the style is : Thèse de Sorbonne Université (Sciences Humaines et Sociales, Français).

    But when I use this style, it gives me 2 different things : for a citation of a text and for the bibliography it is different. But I want (my director wants) the same references both for the citation AND the bibliography).
    Ex with the style of the Sorbonne :

    The correct one is when I create the bibliography with Zotero in word. But the style for the citation is different, except I want twice the same thing.

    I'm sorry if it is not very clear what I'm trying to explain.
  • I have already given you the solution for that.
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