Citation style: Sorbonne University, musicology
I'm doing a PhD, and I really want to start using Zotero (starting my 2nd year). But for now it's a mess.
My director wants this format :
NAME Firstname, title (italic), City, Edition, Date, number of edition (if there is one).
I tried using the Sorbonne norms (I'm studying there), but it puts the first name in the first position, and doesn't write the last name in capital letters. And then when I edit the bibliography on word, it does the opposite...
It's such a mess, I don't know HOW to do to have ONE correct format...
A thousand thanks for your help,
I'm doing a PhD, and I really want to start using Zotero (starting my 2nd year). But for now it's a mess.
My director wants this format :
NAME Firstname, title (italic), City, Edition, Date, number of edition (if there is one).
I tried using the Sorbonne norms (I'm studying there), but it puts the first name in the first position, and doesn't write the last name in capital letters. And then when I edit the bibliography on word, it does the opposite...
It's such a mess, I don't know HOW to do to have ONE correct format...
A thousand thanks for your help,
Is there guidelines that are documented somewhere?
If it's just that one change, that's easy, but let's clear my questions up first.
There is no guideline, I think each director has his preferences. And example of how mine wants :
LAUX Karl, Der Einsame. Johannes Brahms. Leben Und Werk. (italic), city (here there is no)., Anton Pustet, 1944.
2. Are you using the style "Sorbonne Student Law Review - Revue juridique des étudiants de la Sorbonne"? We have 2 styles on the repo.
In that style, change the author macro to this:
<macro name="author">
<if type="legal_case" match="any">
<text variable="authority"/>
<else-if match="any" variable="author">
<names variable="author">
<name initialize="false" name-as-sort-order="all"/>
<else-if match="any" variable="editor collection-editor">
<if type="chapter paper-conference" match="none">
<names variable="editor collection-editor">
<label form="short" prefix=" (" suffix=")"/>
<if match="none" type="entry-encyclopedia entry-dictionary bill legislation chapter paper-conference report">
<text term="anonymous"/>
Follow this guide to the T:
But when I use this style, it gives me 2 different things : for a citation of a text and for the bibliography it is different. But I want (my director wants) the same references both for the citation AND the bibliography).
Ex with the style of the Sorbonne :
The correct one is when I create the bibliography with Zotero in word. But the style for the citation is different, except I want twice the same thing.
I'm sorry if it is not very clear what I'm trying to explain.