New Style Request

Dear All

I am writing a report for the Australian government. I need to produce the report in two forms – one with the bibliography added as footnotes at the end of each page and one with the bibliography at the end of the document. The exact requirements are described here:

Australian Government Style Manual’s documentary-note system

Although there are two in-built Zotero styles that say that they implement the Australian Government Style, they don’t actually meet the government style guidelines. But this forum has a style that almost does what I need.

I need someone who is an expert in Zotero to take this style and modify it to match the Australian Government documentary-note system style.

Specifically, for both the end of document bibliography and the footnote bibliography I need the following changes.

1) Please write the superscript numbering of the citations in the bibliography in Arabic (i.e. normal) numerals. Currently, it is in Roman numerals. (Strangely the footnote bibliography already does this correctly.)
2) For journal articles, the year needs to come before volume, number and page number. Words such as “vol.”, “no.” need to be removed. E.g. should be “2020, 4(2):22-25”
3) In the list of author names, please use “and” as opposed to “&” between the final two names.
4) All titles of articles etc should not be in title case. They should be in normal sentence case, so only first letter of the title is capitalised. E.g ‘Australia imports almost all of its oil, and there are pitfalls all over the globe’
5) If there is a weblink, this should not be written out. Instead the title of the article should be linked to the weblink. (doi’s are still written out in full).
6) Please replace the word “viewed” with the word “accessed” in all bibliographic entries.
7) Journal article names should be written out in full (i.e. not abbreviated).

I tried altering this style in my word document, but when I clicked on the Zotero toolbar to do this, I was presented with code, so I would need programming skills to alter it. If there is an easier way to alter it, so I can make these changes myself, please let me know.

My apologies if this is too big an ask! I am new to both Zotero and this forum, so I am not quite sure how these things work. I am not able to do this myself and I need to submit the report to the Government by Friday.

The instructions asked me to put two citations into the correct style. Using the given citations this would be as follows


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