Can the Zotero Word Plugin insert citations in different forms like in Mendeley or Endnote?
Is it possible to display citations not just as "(Author, Year) old just "(Year") but as e.g.
Author (Year)
(Short-Title, Year)
or else?
Author (Year)
(Short-Title, Year)
or else?
Obviously it's possible to create citation styles that generate (Author), or Author (Year) or Short-title, Year, but I assume that's not what you're referring to.
My plan right now is to implement this in my own citation style via some conditions (e.g. if some specific locator is used, the citation should be displayed as "Author (Year)"). but this would cause that no other style could be selected afterwards. Therefore a built in version would be much nicer.
I don't know what EndNote has, but I don't think Mendeley has any functionality here that Zotero doesn't have — I think they just have "Suppress Author" (as Zotero originally called "Omit Author", when the Mendeley plugin was based on Zotero's).
We're planning to support author-only citations in the future and make it easier to create narrative citations (e.g., without having to retype the author name outside of the parentheses).
a) Author with brackets
As discovered in 2002 …
b) Year with no brackets
See above.
c) Locator with brackets
Smith discovered in 2002 that …
(p. 65)
d) Locator without brackets
Smith (2002, chapter 4) mentioned that … However, he contradicts himself in
chapter 8
by stating that …But the "Autor (Year)" is the most important one. Type them manually is an unnecessary effort and not dynamic if one changes the citation style.
A problem I mentioned in Mendeley is that if one switches to a numeric style, the function "Author (Year)" doesn't work anymore and there will be an error message because there is no variable to render. This should be considered when implementing this function.
In endnote one can easily edit the citation style for this function by adding the variable author. I think csl doesn't offer a function for this case so there should be a function in Zotero which gets the variable author from the metadata. Although this wouldn't be perfect because the author syntax wouldn't match to the defined syntax for the bibliography in csl. So longterm It would be nice to implement this in csl as well.
There are some very complicated issues here, but we're planning to address this in a future version of the citation dialog.
An update to the citation dialogue would be great.
I've just come over from EndNote and using RMIT Harvard which is based on the Australian Government Style Manual (AGSM) -
This permits having author both inside and outside parentheses, which I see is challenging but frequently requested -
Is there a roadmap of such changes, perhaps with a way to vote prospective changes, and a potential release date, so that I don't regret jumping from EndNote?