Background pdf

Hello, this is a bit trivial, how could I change the color of the page background of a PDF in version 7 beta of Zotero
  • For what purpose do you need that?
  • @martynas_b Hello, I want it for long readings, the white background in the light mode honestly tires the eyes and in the dark mode the black background with almost white letters is also uncomfortable to read and also tires the eyes, that's why I'm looking to establish a color more like gray or veige
  • Agree, the current dark mode makes PDF background pure black, and inversed the figure color, which makes the figures hard to recognize and makes my eyes tired.

    I think it would be better to give us an option to keep PDF color unchanged when turn dark mode on. the black background applied on other elements of the interface will still reduce the dazzle but keeps the PDF more readable.
  • It sounds like unchecking "View - Use Dark Mode for Content" might do what you want.
  • @Samvimes, gracias!!! justo lo que buscaba parcialmente
  • I agree that it would be easier on the eyes if the dark grey and light grey from the main interface was used instead of pure black and pure white. The combination in the main interface is really pleasant on the eyes whereas the dark PDF mode contrast is too stark to be comfortable for me.
  • Would it be possible to customize the background color in the PDF reader, or could you hint at a config file where I could specify a HEX Code or something similar?

    I have for years used a sepia color (i.e. #FFF1E0) as the background for Libre Writer and my PDF reader and it's become invaluable to me, because it's so much nicer on the eyes. It's really the only thing that keeps me from switching to Zotero's built-in PDF reader which has awesome functionality. Thank you so much for your work. It's much appreciated!
  • Hey me either. I would also want to customize the background color to yellow or grey for more comfortable reading. Is there a way to do this? I saw a github about zotero pdf background, and wondered would this be a good work-around?
  • Having this feature would be amazing!
  • +1.

    Just to have a unity with the dark mode interface. It looks like a bug to have a white background with a dark interface when Use Dark Mode for Content is uncheck in dark mode.
  • edited 18 days ago
    You can use this plugin and create a PDF style with a custom hex code, but it's not a global setting. You need to set it on every document. Still does the job
  • This would indeed be a great feature. Most PDF readers have some sort of background color setting, usually letting the user enter the value, specifically as an accessibility feature.

    There is certainly a need for it. During literature review especially (which can last weeks) one can spend 8+ hours per day reading papers. Serious eye strain.

    Giving the user the choice of color should be the goal I think, as eyesight, lighting conditions, and displays will vary considerably.

    I know there are plugins and I've also discovered how to do it with Javascript in the debug console, so I would hope it's not terribly difficult to implement, since the former approaches will desync with Zotero internals over time (not to mention it requires extra steps, technical knowledge etc.)

    Thank you for your work on this excellent piece of software!
  • I think having PDF background color change would be perfect. It might also help people with learning differences, such as dyslexia or other conditions. I would like my background in light grey or any other light color to support my reading ability.
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