ZotFile kann nicht installiert werden

Wenn ich versuche ZotFile in Zotero einzubinden (unter "Werkzeuge" und "Plug-Ins"), wird mir nur die Fehlermeldung angezeigt, dass die Datei nicht mit meiner Zotero Version kompatibel ist (ich habe die neuste Version). Hat jemand eine Idee wo das Problem liegt?
  • ZotFile isn't compatible with Zotero 7 and won't be updated.
  • Use the zotmoov or attanger plugin.
  • I think it would be incredibly helpful if as long as the documentation page on plugins is not updated for zotero 7:https://www.zotero.org/support/plugins
    that there is at least a sentence in bold at the top that points out that the plugin-list on that page is outdated and for zotero 6 and that many plugins cannot be used with zotero 7. It would be even more helpful and not much work, to indicate with some kind of symbol, which of the plugins on the above list no longer work. This would avoid many of the emails here that get confused about plugins that do not work anymore.

    I have not installed zotero 7 recently, but if this is not happening, maybe it would also be helpful if that on installation a pop-up alert informs the user that many plugins wont work anymore.
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