Glitch with Linked Files

I have a whole collection of linked items that is experiencing a glitch.

Once I alter an item, all the other items start to act weird. The item image gets stuck, and no matter what other items I click on, the same image appears. The file name gets stuck, but when I click another item, the filename is corrected. Then, when I click the third item, it gets stuck until I click the fourth item. When I double-check, the correct items always appear.

When I quit Zotero and restart it, everything works fine until I rename an item. Then I have to restart it again.

Initial item after making a change:

Image stuck and file name correct:

Image stuck and file name wrong:

Opened attachment:

  • edited October 15, 2024
    Does it still happen in Troubleshooting Mode (Help → "Restart in Troubleshooting Mode…”)?

    If so, we'd want to see a Debug ID and exact steps to reproduce.
  • Ok it doesn't do it in Troubleshooting Mode. So what do I do now?
  • You'll need to identify the plugin that's causing it and then report the problem to the plugin's developer.
  • ОМG! Thank you. I didn't even remember having any plugins because I don't use them. I installed them to see if they would work for this or that. The two I had installed were Zotcard and Actions & Tags. I uninstalled, restarted, and the glitch is gone!
  • I spoke too soon. Tonight I was working in the same collection and it started acting up. It all worked fine for about 5 minutes and then started getting stuck again. I followed the Debug ID instructions.

    Here is the Debug ID - D378536329.
  • Is there a specific series of steps you can take to reliably get it to happen after a Zotero restart?
  • Here are the specific steps.

    1. Open Zotero and select the collection with attachment that is a linked file.
    2. Change name of item (top field on side panel) and hit return to save.
    3. I can usually work for about 3 to 5 minutes - changing.
    4. After about 3 to 5 minutes, I change an item name and the image file gets stuck on the last card I worked on.
    5. Have to quit Zotero and restart it to get everything to work correctly again.

    I don't know that I am using the right terminology for all the parts of Zotero so I have included a screen shot here with labels to make it all make sense.

    I also have a video recording the glitch.
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