zotero 7.0 stutters when quickly scrolling in pdf

I truly love the brand new UI of Zotero 7.0 and really desire to use it as my primary tool, but I'm so sorry that there have been some problem that may impacts user experience.

When I opened 3 PDF file (each had only 10 pages) and quickly scrolled up and down, it is likely to become stuttering, and the lag could be very obvious even when I stopped, the file continues to scroll itself.

My machine is MacBook Air M1 2020, 8G RAM and used zotero 7.0.7, I checked monitor and found zotero's memory usage come to 3.5GB.

On other forums, I also found users complained about the stuttering problem using zotero7.0, I noticed most of them used MacBook (model from Air to Pro, RAM from 8G to 32G) and some guessed there existes memory leak.

I think its not difficult to reproduce this issue and I could help if need more information.

Hope it gets solved.
  • Can you reproduce this if you disable all plugins?

    If so, presumably this isn't with all PDFs? Can you link to a PDF where you're seeing this, or send it to support@zotero.org with a link to this thread?
  • edited yesterday at 2:07pm
    In fact, I did not install any plugins and I guess it's not the problem of PDFs, they're just papers from Arxiv.

    I try to reproduce this but I find it seems to be less frequent at present. Sorry for bothering, I will post after figuring out why the stuttering happened and how to stably reproduce it.

    (By the way, I found Zotero's memory usage come up to 5GB at some moment with only three 10-pages PDFs opened, perhaps it's too high?)
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