Attachments not visible on Web Library when copying items between libraries


When I am copying an item with a PDF attachment from My Library to a Group Library on my laptop, then the attachment is not visible in the Web Library of the Group Library (it is visible locally on my laptop and also in the Web Library of My Library, just not in the Web Library version of the Group Library). I have unlimited storage, file syncing is enabled, and I checked the box that child snapshots and imported files should be included when copying items between libraries. The debug report number is D1530412800.

Thank you for any advice you may have for me!
  • Group items cannot be added to My Publications
    You should be seeing a sync error on every sync. If you're getting a sync error, you always need to resolve that before worrying about any other data problem — if syncing isn't completely, that of course affects what you see online.

    In this case, some items and attachments you added to the group somehow are marked as being in My Publications. That shouldn't be possible — even if they were in My Publications in My Library, that shouldn't carry over to the group — and it's not something I can reproduce.

    It's possible that Better BibTeX does something that affects how items are copied between libraries that's breaking this.

    You can paste "SARNWNCE" or "S3LCRWDT" into the search bar in All Fields & Tags mode to see a couple of the attachments in question. It looks like these were copied on September 18th.

    You'll need to delete these items in the group library and empty the group library trash. You should then be able to sync without an error.

    If you can reproduce this with freshly dragged items, we'd want to see a Debug ID for that, but you should make sure you can reproduce it with BBT disabled. (To be clear, once the items are dragged, the items need to be deleted, so you'd need to delete the affected items in the group library, empty the group trash, and make sure a sync goes through without error.)
  • Thank you! I disabled BBT and followed your steps. This resolved the sync issue and the PDF attachments are now visible.

    However, when I now drag the files I removed from the Group library back into it, I get the same errors in the console (that the items cannot be added to My Publications). BBT is still disabled, so this plugin should not be the cause? The debug ID for this is D1220910256.
  • That Debug ID doesn't show you getting any errors. You submitted that in the middle of a sync.
  • I am sorry!

    I cannot reproduce the error consistently. Sometimes, the sync error appears and sometimes it does not, even when I copy the same item repeatedly (and move it to the trash and delete the trash in between trials). The error shows up more often when I copy more items. When I enable debug logging, the error did not show up today (but it did show up when I tested it before).

    Thank you for all your help -- if this error pops up again, I will try to duplicate it and send a debug report.
  • It's possible that Better BibTeX does something that affects how items are copied between libraries that's breaking this.
    I cannot rule it out entirely, but I'm not aware of BBT behavior affecting this path.
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