Zotero 7: Drag and Drop Adding Articles Not Working

edited 22 days ago
I am not able to add articles to my library by dragging and dropping from a file on my computer directly into my library or a collection. It is sometimes necessary to manually download and add an article because the chrome widget doesn't work with every website. This worked for me previously on earlier versions of Zotero.

Any ideas why the drag and drop would not be working, or is this a bug to be fixed?

For context, I have downloaded and am using the Zotero 7 update. The drag and drop was also not working on the previous Zotero I was working on as of a few days ago, which is why I was driven to update. But, dropping a pdf from my hard drive into a library. has historically worked. I am working on a Macbook, Ventura 13.3.1 OS.

Thank you for any help you can offer!
  • edited 22 days ago
    Make sure you're dropping the file on a library or collection in Zotero's sidebar, or into the item list in the middle. It isn't currently possible to add PDFs by dropping them onto Zotero's dock icon.
    It is sometimes necessary to manually download and add an article because the chrome widget doesn't work with every website.
    Which websites aren't working?
  • Yes, I am trying to add them directly into the library, or onto the sidebar of collections, from my hard drive.
  • edited 22 days ago
    When I try to move files which have been successfully added from one collection to another collection, the PDF file is also dropping. The only thing carried over is the parent name file, which then takes me to a URL to view the article on the journal website, rather than to the PDF.
  • To be clear, you're in multiple public open groups, which don't allow file sharing.

    If you're saying you can't add a file in any way to the library, that's the reason.
  • Hi dstillman, thank you. I will look at this for transferring between my own libraries.

    If you have any insight on adding PDFs manually I would be grateful to know if this is a bug or user error.
  • I'm not talking about transferring between libraries — I'm answering your original question. If you're trying to drag to one of your public open groups, that's the reason.
  • Thanks so much - I just updated my settings and it has actually fixed both problems. I really appreciate your help, have a wonderful day.
  • I am having the same trouble on my Mac. Also updated Zotero. I can't drag and drop PDFs from my computer into Zotero locally or online and my zotero connector will only do a snapshot even though I have selected download PDF. Not sure if there is a setting that i need to change for the new version to work.
  • edited 12 days ago
    @P_vanHuizen: Basically the same answer. You're working in a public group library with file editing disabled. Yours is a closed group, so you can enable file editing in the group settings if you want to allow this.

    (And it wouldn't be making snapshots, either, since those involve files. It might be saving web links.)
  • Thanks for replying so quickly. I don't want to be making snapshots but I am unable to select all other options. This is the options for the group:

    Members 1
    Group Type Public, Closed Membership
    Group Library Anyone can view, only members can edit

    I should be able to view and edit.
  • That's not the right settings. File editing is in the library settings (I believe if you are not an admin you can't see those)
  • I can't find where to change this in the library settings. I am the admin so should be able to do this. Can you please give me more information about where to find this? I am using Chrome and on a Mac.
  • Click "Manage Library" underneath the group name.
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