#94800606 Cannot add by URL, ISBN, ISSN

I have a dissertation to add to my library and cannot add it via the magic wand. The error is "Zotero could not find any identifiers in your input. Please verify your input and try again."
1. What is the correct way to format ISBN and ISSN searches?
2. Why doesn't just posting the URL to the entry or PDF work?

  • What is the ID you're trying to add?

    Any ISBN should work as long as it's formatted in a relatively standard way (10 or 13 characters, dash or no dash, no spaces in the middle).

    ISSNs identify periodicals, not individual items, so there's no way to create a Zotero item based on an ISSN alone.

    If you want to add an item from a URL, open it in your browser and click the Zotero Connector's Save to Zotero toolbar button. That's the recommended workflow for adding items to your Zotero library whenever possible.
  • (Well, not any ISBN. There's no central repository for ISBN metadata, so the ISBN has to be registered in one of the main repositories that Zotero uses. Some books, particularly self-published ones or ones from small presses, may not have any available metadata.)
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