storage space diminished after deleting many references


I noticed I used 258 MB and realized my zotero library needed some cleaning. So I exported three folders as csv and ris file and then deleted them. Also emptied my bin. What happened? Storage has reached it's limit, so it has increased.!

How can this be possible?
What can I do to achieve what I intended to?
Would it make a difference to delete pdfs (after switching off synchronization?)? Do they use more space than only the doi?

And: have I understood correctly that the only down side of reaching the storage limit is that new pdf files will not be synced with the webversion but can still be added to my desktop Zotero?

Hope someone can help me out! Thanks.
  • Make sure you have synced your library after emptying the bin. Sometimes it takes a little while to update.
  • Thanks a lot! This really adds to my understanding.
    I think I will cut and paste the pdfs of most articles as I do not need to have them in Zotero. Is this a weird use of Zotero?

    I also noticed it's not the best idea to save webpages as they use a lot of space. However I assumed saving with Zotero would only save the url, not the complete webpage.
    Is there a way to clean webpage references, so I only safe the url, without the whole page and images?

    Kind regards, Simone
  • edited 5 days ago
    You can disable saving of PDFs and/or snapshots from the settings if you don't want them.

    If you want to delete all snapshots, you can search for "snapshot" in the search bar in All Fields & Tags mode, do a Select All in the items list, and then delete all items. (Make sure some other item with the word "snapshot" hasn't been selected.)

    Be sure to empty your trash after deleting items.
  • Awesome, thanks a lot!
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