Zotero treats the "-" in Report Number field as separator between two numbers

Hi, when the report number includes a dash "-" Zotero treats the field as having two numbers not just one, and so in the bibliography it appears as Nos. not No.
Is there a way to change that so that the dash is considered part of the number and not a separator between two numbers?


World Bank. (2008). Arab Republic of Egypt: Urban sector (Policy Note Nos. 44506-EG). The World Bank.

Zotero 7 beta on Windows, APA citation style
  • Escaping with "\" (i.e. 47\-1) seems to work.
  • Thanks, it works yes. Will use it if no other fix. Just feels like I should not change how the report number is actually written..
  • Actually there is inconsistency:
    This report number "EGY-CAPMAS-IECS-2012-V01" has dashes and it is treated as single number No. not plural Nos.
  • @bwiernik -- do we ever need the plural "Nos" here? Could we just make it always singular (I agree the behavior is probably a bug, but at least the Nos part we could easily prevent)
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