Splitting Edited Book References by Chapter/Author


My apologies if this question has been asked before countless times.

Is it possible for Zotero to split an edited book into individual citations per chapter? I recall an online ref program that was capable of such, but I can't remember it!

A lot of my library comes from edited books, and individually splitting these references has taken, and will continue to take, hours and hours.

The two questions are:

(1) Is it possible for Zotero to accomplish this (perhaps in the future, e.g., calculating a pages white space and "guessing")?

(2) Are you aware of any such program that is capable of automatically splitting the reference of an edited book into book chapters?

Thank you.
  • Definitely not by just entering the book information and having ZOtero "guess" -- the main work wouldn't be the page ranges but the chapter title and authors and I don't see how Zotero would guess those?

    That said, if the book is listed with chapters online with one of the larger publishers, Zotero is often able to import individual chapter metadata from the browser: either the Save to ZOtero icon already looks like a folder or you can right-click on the icon and use Save to Zotero (DOI).
  • Thanks Adam, I figured as such. Even if the author and title were left blank, it would still be an immense time saver.
  • You are aware that you can do right -click --> create book section?
  • Yes, I am aware. There's just so many that I have to go through, most of which aren't from large publishers, so I thought I would ask.
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