Viewing a page ref for annotations has off-by-one problem

edited 8 days ago
Zotero creates links to annotations in this format:


with both page number and (Zotero?) annotation code. This opens up just fine if I use Zotero to view the PDF. However, I usually use the system default PDF reader, and Zotero seems to be adding one to the page number before it sends it to the viewer (on a Mac, so either Preview of Acrobat Reader). So, in this case, instead of page 4 the viewer goes to page 5. You can see the "Go to page..." dialog flash on the screen after it opens the PDF and it has the wrong number in it, so it does not seem to be something on the viewer's end.

In fact, the same thing happens with the Zotero viewer, if I chop off the annotation ID from that url.

(The native viewers can't do anything with the annotation, it seems, so that's no help.)

Any help appreciated.
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