[Zotero Android] Synced items do not appear unless view refreshed

I keep my items sorted by Date Modified in Zotero Android in All Items view. When I sync (by pulling down) on my Zotero Android item list, it appears to sync but the view does not update, i.e. the new items do not show.

If I go out to Collections, and hit back on All Items right away, the view is now updated: The top items are the ones that have just been synced down. It looks like the Item view does not update upon sync until it is regenerated.

Running version 1.0.0-80 on Android 12.
  • I think what might be happening here is when sorting by Date Modified Descending the new items simply appear above the current top item.
    Before we investigate further could you please:
    Try adding the item via say Zotero Web, then trigger sync on Android and once sync completes try scrolling the list all the way to the top to see if added item is hiding there.
  • I was certain that was not the case, but now it appears so. Issue resolved. I am not sure if it would be preferable to move to top after sync or not - some users might prefer to stay where they are looking.

    Thank you.
  • (Interestingly, when I deleted that test item on the Android app and synced, my MacOS desktop app (which had the Trash collection selected) synced and the Trash icon turned full, but there were no items shown however many times I synced. Trash only shows the deleted item when I go to another collection and come back in. Kinda the same description of the issue, completely different app (latest release OS and Zotero). That's probably a matter for another thread.)
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