Not updating shown pdf file name

Hi, when adding items from the browser app, files are often called "Full text PDF.pdf" or something like that. You can change the options such that the files will be renamed after Author/year/title etc. In the old versions of Zotero, this also happened to change how the PDF files are presented in the library in their respective entries. Alas, this does not seem to work anymore. I can rename the PDFs as much as I like, they are always shown as the initial "Full Text PDF".

Here is how it is supposed to be:

Even restarting Zotero or the system does not change anything. I do not want my library to be cluttered with "Full Text PDF" placeholders. Is this on purpose, or is there an issue with the library not updating properly?
  • edited 16 days ago
    when adding items from the browser app, files are often called "Full text PDF.pdf" or something like that. You can change the options such that the files will be renamed after Author/year/title etc.
    And no, this is a misunderstanding, and confusion like this is a big part of the reason for the changes here. Files have always been automatically renamed after the parent item, and they have always been given titles like "Full Text PDF". All explained on the linked page.
  • thanks for taking time to reply, albeit you seem to miss the point of my post. I am happy to rephrase it in a way that you can understand, so you can offer much appreciated help.

    why is there no way to change the attachment title manually, or make it identical to the file name?
  • From the linked page:
    You can view and change the title and filename by clicking on the attachment and looking in the item pane.
  • (But the point of the linked page is that changing the title to match the filename is a bad idea and you shouldn't do it. And you certainly shouldn't do it manually for every attachment. There may be a display option in an upcoming version to show filenames instead of attachment titles in the items list for people who really want that, but we'd encourage people to try the cleaner titles and not worry about this, particularly since this was almost always based on a misunderstanding of what was happening before.)
  • I read it before my reply, but there is not such an option.

    it only allows to change the file name. I'd appreciate proof reading the support manual.
  • The title appears at the top of the pane.
  • I appreciate you providing the relevant information after only 6 posts. I guess it's only me for whom "looking in the item pane" is too unprecise an information
  • still, I prefer the old way. it used to ask if title and file name should be aligned when changing one
  • edited 15 days ago
    I appreciate you providing the relevant information after only 6 posts.

    Don't post here like this again.
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