Citation Info is not updated in the bibliography

When I change the information of a source, because the exported meta data of a website for example wasnt read correctly, the word document isnt updating the information. Therefore, there is still the old information in the bibliography.

I already tried:
- refreshing the document multiple times
- restarting Zotero
- c/p the content in another word document
- resetting all sources and load them in again via edit bibliography

So I am lost as I dont know what to do. The deadline for my master thesis is in a week, so I need to get this straight asap.

I would be forever greatful, if someone in here could help me resolve this issue!
  • Try removing the citation item that is giving you trouble from the document (either by removing the citation from text if it's a single-item citation, or removing the item from a multi-item citation via the citation dialog) and reinserting it. Make sure you select the item from your Library section, and not the one listed under "Cited".
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