The new built-in PDF preview feature in Zotero 7

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Zotero 7 for the convenience it has brought to my literature management. The new built-in PDF preview feature in Zotero 7 is indeed very useful. However, I have noticed that the preview window cannot be resized to a larger size. When I was using Zotero 6, I relied on the zotero-preview plugin for PDF previews, and on a 27-inch screen, I could easily display a full page of a PDF using half the screen, making reading much more convenient. Unfortunately, it seems that the preview feature in Zotero 7 cannot achieve this. Would it be possible to upgrade this functionality? I believe it would greatly improve the reading experience in Zotero 7.
  • Couldn't agree more! I need to view pdf's on half a screen and hope to upgrade soon!
  • For large displays, and if you not only want to preview a figure but also read text, it might be better to use split screen mode. We plan to add a quick way to open the preview page using Cmd/Ctrl + click (or a similar shortcut).

    Would that solve your issue?
  • Thank you for your quick response. It might be due to my personal habit, but I feel that combining preview and shallow reading would be more convenient than having to preview and then click to read in depth. In most cases, we just need to skim quickly. Attached is a screenshot of me using Zotero 6 with the PDF Preview plugin, which I believe is a method worth promoting.
  • Sorry, I misinterpreted what you said and thought you were talking about the in-PDF preview where you can preview internal links.

    Do you mean that when you resize the right pane, the PDF page width at some point stops increasing?
  • agree! I need to view pdf quickly, hope to upgrade soon!
  • I have the same problem and hope to solve it. Thank you for your efforts!
  • Let me just add my voice for the same functionality. Many of us have large screens, and it seems absurd to click back and forth between the tabs just to read documents that take half the screen size. Browsing sources while having full text on the right is extremely handy, and it is hard to understand why anyone would oppose this idea. The current preview shows only one page, which is quite an unusual solution itself, and its width is limited by some artificial "magic" number, apparently reflecting the size of the designer's own screen rather than some objective need.
  • edited September 5, 2024
    In the latest Zotero beta, the preview can now better use the available screen height at wider pane sizes. The change will be in 7.0.4 soon.

    @rg_software: Please see Etiquette. This isn't an appropriate way to post here.
  • Agreed! I need to view pdf quickly. Will this function come soon? that is great
  • I think the old quicklook function, available through plugins most recently, but not in Zotero 7 (yet), is still more convenient and functional than the PDF preview. I understand the reasons it is not implemented (as mentioned before in the Forums), but it would still be fantastic to be able to hit space on the item and the primary pdf would appear with easy zoom in/out, flowing pages, ability to copy, etc.

    It is one function I am missing, which can be added via an updated plugin.
  • The change mentioned above is now available in Zotero 7.0.5.
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