Unlinking Zotero from the Dokument

Hi Team,

I cannot unlink citations from my word document.

I believe this is because I originally started to use Zotero for inserting in text citations on google docs and then transformed it to a word document on my Mac.

If I remember correctly the following happened

1) I inserted the citation in the text on google docs
2) I had to adjust/ amend some of the in text citations eg. add a page number
3) back then it already started to be stuck when updating the citations
--> so I stopped using it
4) I wanted to unlink the Zotero citations from the Google doc before converting it into a word document, but it kind of got stuck again.
5) I proceeded to convert it to a word document
6) surprise, the link to the zotero citations stayed - I know because first they were underlined red and when you hover over them you can click on them and it will lead you to the page "Zotero and Google docs" https://www.zotero.org/google-docs/?QlQBP4
7) when I want to unlink the zotero citation from the word document I receive the following error message:
"You must insert a citation before performing this operation"

I hope this is a useful presentation of my issue.

Could you please explain to me how I can unlink the zotero citation from the word document? Thank you and best wishes. :)
  • It's not clear what you did with your document, but if the links are underlined red, even though it points to zotero.org, they are still unlinked. If you want to completely unlink them, you should simply remove the text link from them just like you would remove any other hyperlink to a webpage.
  • Thank you that was helpful, removing the Hyperlink works. :)
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