After update to Z 7.02 (not beta) problems with translators and wand

edited 18 days ago

I cannot import metadadata (only) for the following items neither via the browser bar icon nor via the magic wand DOI.
DOI 10.1086/215853
DOI 10.1086/215852
DOI 10.1001/jama.1932.02730460015006

Is this some local issue? These are articles from the 1930s.

This occurs after restarting my Mac and replacing my beta version of Zotero with the standard release. (I thought that the problem might be related to the newest beta but the problem continued after replacing it with the non beta release.)

Mac 14.6.1
Firefox 129.0.2 (64-bit)

For the JAMA article

Edit: If I click on the "cite this" link and then on RIS (Zotero), instead of the usual behavior I receive the following warning:

"This item could not be saved because Zotero is not open or is unreachable. Please open Zotero and try again."

"An error occurred while saving this item. See Troubleshooting Translator Issues for more information."


  • Everything imports well for me (Zotero 7.0.2, Firefox 129.0.2, macOS 14.6.1) either via the connector or the magic wand. Hopefully the debug ID will provide some insight.
  • edited 18 days ago
    late cancellation observer
    @DWL-SDCA: It's just the same sort of issue as before — something you're doing is causing Zotero to perform some very long/slow operation. Saving will fail as long as that's going.

    We'd need to see a Debug ID for Zotero startup through reproducing this to tell you what specifically is causing it. But if you're still regularly deleting tens of thousands of items, it might just be that.
  • Okay, thanks.
  • See my edit, though.
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