add option for filename to be displayed in Zotero list view instead of file title

edited July 25, 2024
Please add an option for filename to be displayed in the Zotero list view instead of file title--you did promise to do that.

Use case: I need to be able to find my Zotero attachments in Spotlight. In the list view it would be easier to see whether their filenames include the correct info for author, title, date, because: 1) In the list view, I can get to file title by expanding the list of items, whereas I have to click on the attachment to see the filename. 2) I can see the full file title on hover in the list view but I can't see the full filename on hover in the right pane.

Please also consider adding the hover feature to the filename field. Thanks!

All the description I would put in the file title is already in my filenames so I don't need the file title field.
  • Second this request. I thought something had broken when adding new files suddenly ended up in every entry being renamed, or rather 'retitled' PDF.

    I read the back post on this issue, and I really dislike this change. I manage my PDFs outside of Zotero because I work between device types. I always want to see the filename. The doc page encourages people to "give the new behavior a try", but doesn't explain how to revert if you really don't get on with it. I'm currently manually using Attanger to fix this on each new item.
  • +3 this request
  • I very much fourth this request. I can already see from the PDF symbol that this is a PDF, I do not need zotero to tell me it's a PDF. The filename information is quite important if one also wants to interact with the files outside of zotero and it is quite annoying to have to search for it.
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