Tags from annotation not exported when using "Create note from annotations"

Hey Team!
I am annotating a pdf and I really like the feature to create tags for each one of my annotations. However when I export the annotations into a note ("Create not from annotations)", I can´t find the tags anymore. Ideally I would like to see the tags in the Note written as text, and separated by a comma. I found I can write the tags as text in the comment field to the annotation instead, and that makes them appear as text in the note. But the way to enter tags is much faster thanks to the auto-completion feature, so this would save me a precious time. Thank you in advance for your help!
  • You can do that with a note template. (See {{if tags}} #{{tags join=' #'}}{{endif}} specifically.)
  • Thanks for your help. I tried to add a line to the config file with your code but that did not work. I am not sure how to implement it.
  • Well it's not just the one bit of markup I quoted — the linked page explains how to create a custom note template. But this is an advanced feature that isn't meant for most users, so if you're having trouble with it, the answer is no, sorry, this isn't currently possible. It may be in the future.
  • Thank you and I understand. How do you suggest I learn how to do it? What do I need to learn to be able to create custom note templates? I have been using Zotero for soon 10 years so I would love to keep on progressing in the learning curve.
  • I know this is a bit late, but you can try to use this code:

    {{highlight}} {{citation}} {{comment}} {{if tags}} #{{tags join=' #'}}{{endif}}

    In the Zotero settings, go to Config Editor. No worries, you can easily revert any changes (at least in Zotero 7.0, I don't know about older versions).
    Edit the extensions.zotero.annotations.noteTemplates.highlight file by replacing the existing line of code with the one I posted before. This will add the #Hashtag to the end of every text passage you exported into your note. I hope this helps.
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