Zotero experimentó un error al actualizar su documento

[Split from Zotero experienced an error updating your document.]

Hola, tengo este error en que me pide el formato de la cita a cada rato y también me manda a la pagina de los errores, sin embargo llevo horas tratando de reparar y no lo logro. Y no tengo el Delta Search. Estoy muy preocupada porque funciona mal, a pesar de haberlo reinstalado, me vuelve a preguntar a cada rato el tipo de cita, no me guarda los cambios de las citas que he puesto, y además me aparece el mensaje de error a cada instante. Necesito ayuda por favor
  • Submit a Report ID after reproducing the error. What is the full version number of Word that you are using? Open a Word document, choose File from the top left corner, and then click either Account or Help on the left nav bar. You’ll see your Office version and information under Product information, on the right side of the window.
  • edited August 15, 2024
    Hello this is the version of the programme/

    What can I do?
  • We still need a Report ID. Make sure you're running Zotero 7.0.1 or later.

  • https://s3.amazonaws.com/zotero.org/images/forums/u11081828/ot7b8wctfyxyr5tr9gtl.png
    I downloaded the new one, and my problem is that it does not work well. An error message appears, and I cannot add more than one author. What can I do? I downloaded this new version this week, and it is worse than my previous one. I don't know what to do.
  • We can’t help you if you don’t provide a Report ID. I linked to instructions.
  • edited August 15, 2024
    [screenshot with Report ID 11949779 removed — D.S.]

    This appears.
  • (In the future, you can just copy and paste the number — that's what it's for. We don't need to see a screenshot of the window.)
    [JavaScript Error: "The range cannot be deleted. [setText:y:\zotero\word-for-windows-integration\build\zoterowinwordintegration\field.cpp]"]
    Are you getting the error in a new, completely blank document, or just in your existing document?
  • @javiarce Do you have 'Typing replaces selected text' in the Word Advanced/Editing Options unchecked? Does it fix itself if you check that checkbox?
  • I have obtained Zotero's mistake and have only one document open. I decided, on Tuesday, to create a new document, trying to delete the error, but it translated to a new copy of my document. As I mentioned, the mistake started when I tried to add a new source manually, and Zotero did not recognise it, so I started the error through other sources. I am worried. Therefore, I created a new document copying all the content (I am writing my doctoral thesis). Then, the error translates to the new document too. Also, I uninstalled Zotero and reinstalled it, but I made a mistake. In addition, before I could put the sources through the document using a bar, the new version was translated to Zotero, and I had to choose the source manually. I cannot even add more than one source to any citation. I am worried Zotero is not working as before. Also, I bought extra space too, but the error persists.
  • Sorry @adomasven could you please develop your suggestion?
  • In Word go to File -> Options. Under Advanced -> Editing is the checkbox for 'Typing replaces selected text' checked? Does it help if you check it?
  • Sorry it does not work. I am trying to install the previous version bc the 7th is terrible.
  • I'm not sure it's related to Zotero 7. Does it work correctly with Zotero 6?
  • I uninstalled Zotero 6 and the only option that I had was reinstall but Zotero 7
  • Zotero 6 is still available from the download page under "Other versions".
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