Can't find the Preference options for WebDAV syncing. What am I overlooking?

Hi there,
I've been reading through the Zotero documentation regarding syncing. My understanding is there should be an option to either sync with the Zotoro online account, or with a third-party system via WebDAV.

Yet in Zotero 7 (not sure about previous version, as I upgraded it about an hour ago), there is only a Username and Password field on the Sync preferences.

Where do I set it up to sync using WebDAV?

Thank you,

  • Here is a screenshot of the Sync preferences I see:

    As you can see, there's nothing WebDAV related on there.

    It only has the "Data syncing" options. But no File syncing.
  • The item data is syncing freely via Zotero storage. Only the attachments are syncing via WebDav if the user opts to use WebDav for the file syncing in their 'My Library'. So, you might set up your Zotero account first. Then you may have the option to set the modes for file syncing.
  • Thanks RamonMi.

    So ... it looks like it was a glitch in Zotero 7 causing this.

    I was already logged in, from many years of using Zotero, most recently v6. And the preference panel looked just the same as what you see in my screenshot, except that it was logged in, and had a button for logging out.

    I logged out whilst trying to figuring out where the File syncing options had gone.

    Now that I've logged it back in, the file Syncing options are showing up.
  • If you see it again, we'd want to see a screenshot. That's not something we've ever seen before.
  • Yes, you are right in my impression. However, the new version is more logical, isn't it?
  • There's nothing new here. The Sync pane has always worked this way.
  • Oh, Maybe I'm remembering it wrong. After I unlinked my Zotero account, I got the same setting pane with the @inspiredlight 's screenshot.
  • Unfortunately it didn't occur to me to take a screenshot when the issue arose. I spent over half an hour trying to figure out where the WebDAV settings are in Zotero, due to that being absent from the preferences. Zotero was logged in all that time. It was Zotero notifying me that my storage was full (shortly after I updated to Z v7) that got me looking into the whole storage situation.

    I logged out during that whole process of trying to figure this out.

    The below image shows you exactly what it looked like prior to me logging out. Although I have modified this image from the later screenshot, so it's not an original screenshot. But it shows you exactly what a screenshot taken at the time would show you.
  • Wow, I got the point of what you meant until I noted this latest screenshot. After I set up my Zotero account, the file syncing setting pane will appear, different from your screenshot. Indeed, I have never met this issue, but I think the developers may require the reproduction schedules.
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