First editor disappearing in bibliography (custom style)
I am having a problem designing a style for a German book series.
In the bibliography the format for books without authors should be:
Xxx 2019 • Title. Subtitle, hg. von Thomas Xxx und Daniel Yyy, Schliengen: Argus 2019.
However, I can only get:
Xxx 2019 • Title. Subtitle, hg. von Daniel Yyy, Schliengen: Argus 2019.
with the first editor missing. I don't understand why, I have tried every option in the Names-Name parts.
I am using the visual editor.
In the bibliography the format for books without authors should be:
Xxx 2019 • Title. Subtitle, hg. von Thomas Xxx und Daniel Yyy, Schliengen: Argus 2019.
However, I can only get:
Xxx 2019 • Title. Subtitle, hg. von Daniel Yyy, Schliengen: Argus 2019.
with the first editor missing. I don't understand why, I have tried every option in the Names-Name parts.
I am using the visual editor.
Hall u. a. 2001 • Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers?, in: Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage, hg. von Peter A. Hall und David Soskice, New York: Oxford University Press 2001, S. 184–213.
which I believe is correct.
Thanks for the tip!
What do I have to enter in the Names property to get it to only display the first name (author or editor) without "et al"?
I am in the Visual editor, so the options are nothing or a number in the fields
All instances should display only the first author name if present, or the first editor name if no author.
You can set this on citation, bibliography or on name elements or generically on "style" in the 2nd line.
In the visual editor, when the term et al is _not_ defined empty, this can be solved.
et-al-min="2" et-al-use-first="1"
gives et al, while
et-al-min="1" et-al-use-first="1"
does not.
However, when this style is used in Zotero it will produce an et al in both cases, it seems.