Undo button/function not working

Hello everyone. New to zotero, but not new to computers.

Zotero is the only program on my mac where the Command-Z function doesn't work when after doing ANY changes. If I go into the 'edit' button at the top, both the undo and redo options are in light gray (unclickable).

Has anyone had this problem or know how to fix it?
  • There is no undo/redo function in Zotero other than when currently editing a field.
  • It would be great to have this function. I consider it 'basic' for most programs (endnote doesn't have it either!) as one moves accidentally a file or change something else that needs to be undone.
  • edited March 23, 2017
    It has been discusssd and I believe there is general support for adding such functionality by the developers. But it is a very complex technical issue (there are a lot of moving parts behind the scenes for Zotero or any other database management program, moreso than say, a word processor). It's probably not very high on the priority list of developments compared to other needs, so I can't promise when it might be implemented.
  • Makes sense, thanks for your replies.

    I'm new to Zotero and I am loving it. Moved from endnote to support the open source initiative and because of better functionality on different aspects.

    Will eagerly keep supporting the initiative.
  • 'Undo button/function not working'
    Call it backup and make them frequently whenever an important step is done.

    Especially before due dates.

    Restore and your done is undone.
    (Depending how old your back up is... all what you have done)
  • having undo/redo functionality via Ctrl+Z shortcut would imho greatly improve usability.
  • I agree. It's very frustrating to not have this functionality.
  • I'm amazed that this isn't a thing. It's kind of scary with a database since we sometimes accidentally delete or modify things (sometimes many). Is it planned for Zotero 7?
  • Agree: how is this not implemented?
  • I also have the same struggle not having "undo" button makes me hesitate to choose Zotero as my citation tool
  • It would be an immense quality of life improvement to have an undo button.
    Even after years of using Zotero I stumble over this.
    The undo functionality is such a basic feature across all programs, I can't stress how un-intuitive it is not to have it.
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